Caleb Miles

If you want to know what he’s got to say for himself, check out I met him more than 10 years ago. Been hooked ever since. Guitar player, singer, drummer, producer, you name it. And a skankin’ () force behind the Valley Vibrations….

I was freezing on a very lonely, arctic mountain top last year, when Caleb assured me that he would take my heart to the Caribbeans. He prolly knew that my love for ska/reggae would require some assistance. During our first band rehearsal, at the Hupman Brothers Studio, I watched the old cat next to the wood stove. Changes a room. We learned and recorded 11 songs in less than 5 hours. The sun was shining, there were a ton of March solo breaks, and beer was on the porch, and the saints were marchin’ in…

It’s not “real” reggae, but you can buy it anyways.

Caleb keeps striking me as a quiet, passionate fellow. When working with seven other fellows, he didn’t say much. Only important stuff. For the band. The sorcerer knows that all magic has a price. And he paid it. For decades. All of a sudden, the Vibrations of all dance respectfully. No bumping into one another. I love space. Learning. Arrange ourselves as we go. Where once there was a tower of knobs, there was a guitar player, showing us the backbeat that carried it all…

Commercial break.

Caleb has made himself quite a reputation, playing with everybody (and their sisters), a memory well of licks and influences. He hears the dividing lines. He’s travelled the brickyard road and he’s been through the strange weather. He’s been counting quarters and he bettered the bad songs. He can play an acoustic guitar and make you hear the invisible band. He shows you places by leaving them alone. He doesn’t say what he does….

Come hear him play on May 6, at 8pm, at the Al Whittle Theatre in Wolfville, at the CD release concert for the “Valley Vibrations”.