Every three years the town of Ragaz, Switzerland hosts the largest skulpture exhibit in Europe. I spent a lot of time during April 2024 watching the exhibits being installed. Here’s a video collage with my impressions.
Category: Uncategorized
Digital Tip for Andy Flinn
Here you can support Andy Flinn with a Tip of 10 Swiss Francs

Spendieren Sie dem Andy Flinn einen Kaffee!
Unterstützen Sie Andy Flinn mit einer kleinen 5-Franken Überweisung auf sein Konto!
Havana, Cuba…
So i went to Cuba, hung out with Frankie and didn’t really take much photos or videos. Every couple of days, sometimes…
Here are my impressions. All the sound is of the 80 buck cellphone.
Welcome to the age of McWeed
October 17 has arrived, and the corporate goons supporting Justin Trudeau have great cause for board room celebration. I’ve gone to our government websites to learn about all the wonderful “rights” i have just been issued.
Shootin’ Week Comin’ to an End
We just finished an intense week working on the first music video for my new Swiss-German album “Bad Ragaz”, due out in August.
The release of the video will be coordinated with the Produces Brigitte Kindlimann over the next week.
website renovations
andyflinn.com is currently undergoing an upgrade to make it “international”. visitors who’s webbrowser is set do the language de (german) will see a swiss german presentation. all other visitors will see the english (en) presentation.
Heartbeat (Andy Flinn)
Ariana Nasr – Valentine's Day With Edith Piaf – The Carleton Music Bar & Grill
The fabulous Ariana Nasr returns to The Carleton with her Édith Piaf show for Valentine’s Day on Sunday, February 14th. This special early show starts at 7 PM and admission is $20.00. If there’s a more romantic way to spend V-Day, we don’t know what it is… If you haven’t seen this show before, trust …
Source: Ariana Nasr – Valentine’s Day With Edith Piaf – The Carleton Music Bar & Grill
Night Kitchen Luminous Poster
Can’t wait! This’ gonna be fun!
Funny Chineese Poster
演出时间:2014年4月5日 周六 20:00-21:30
演出场馆:文青live house
Ask Your Sister
Ask Your Sister来自加拿大,是一支优秀的灵歌/爵士/流行乐队。乐队成员包括Ariana、Sahara和Kamila Nasr,以及Andy Flinn(Ariana的丈夫)。三姐妹自童年起就一起登台演出,建立了完美的默契。她们的足迹遍布世界,每一位成员都是成熟的音乐家。
Ask Your Sister的音乐充满魅力,不论是爵士还是流行,或是Motown灵歌音乐,都能轻松驾驭。她们别具一格的演唱、演奏、和歌曲创作,以及自然洒脱的舞姿,经常使不同年龄和背景的观众受到强烈感染而一同起舞。
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