Uncomfortable BadRagartz2024

“It’s a folk singer’s job to comfort disturbed people, and disturb comfortable people.” (Woody Guthrie)

folk singer or artist?
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Flogging a Dead Horse

I love this newly opened art exhibition, #BadRagartz2024! I like being triggered by the works, the associations, the artists and the discussion. I keep coming back to visit a variety of works, and I enjoy getting associative flashes and ideas… Here’s one of the works I was shown by Andy.

“Femtrails” by Dara Maillard
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Prejudice (how I got this Job)

It is very clear to me that i “suffer” from all kinds of prejudice. I hold them based on gender, race, appearance, nationality, religion and many other things. I am very ok with that.

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Bad Ragartz 2024 opens on May the 4th

Every three years the town of Ragaz, Switzerland hosts the largest skulpture exhibit in Europe. I spent a lot of time during April 2024 watching the exhibits being installed. Here’s a video collage with my impressions.

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