Bluenose Cowgirl (Jack MacDonald Cover)

The Match (Mani Matter)

A famous swiss folk song (“I Han es Zündhölzli Azündet”) written by the legendary Mani Matter, translated by Andy Flinn.

And of course, there’s the lyrics

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The “Most Beautiful Songwriter”…

A local paper, the Sarganserländer (Nadine Bantli) wrote an Andy Flinn portrait, in connection with my upcoming Album release for “Bad Ragaz“, with a heading on the front page…

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Ralph Wagner, sound dude…

Ralph is a member of one of the oldest punk bands in the Bad Ragaz area. When he’s not restoring old Ferrari cars or hanging with his family or band, he occupies himself with digital audio recording technology. The follow oozes calm competency and Andy, of course, took full advantage…

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Wolfville, where “I Got To Be Me”

Kings County News: Sarah Ericsson, a singer and songwriter herself, wrote this article…

Havana, Cuba…

So i went to Cuba, hung out with Frankie and didn’t really take much photos or videos. Every couple of days, sometimes…

Here are my impressions. All the sound is of the 80 buck cellphone.

Welcome to the age of McWeed

canada october 17 2018
canada october 17 2018

October 17 has arrived, and the corporate goons supporting Justin Trudeau have great cause for board room celebration. I’ve gone to our government websites to learn about all the wonderful “rights” i have just been issued.

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Cards Against Humanity. Scam or Not?

photo by:

Hi there, Let’s say that I am looking to finagle some income for myself, as in: I’m following links on the internet that promise jobs. Sometimes you come across posts like Cards Against Humanity is looking for Contributing Writers. I’m not going to make any accusations. I will simply explain why this kind of “Job Advertisement” gives me the creeps…

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Bad Ragaz, (Swiss German Album)

Video Version

the Bad Ragaz album on YouTube
Continue reading Bad Ragaz, (Swiss German Album)

He, Who Shall Not be Named

Oh, my! Does it feel wonderful to point at him? To shout: “Evil!”, and to cry: “It is not I”? Do I feel better knowing that I am “better”? Do I feel like a leader, dragging my ten friends to his show to laugh at him with insult? Do I want to drag my tribe to a place where he has a microphone and we don’t? Do I trust my friends to listen to the most reasonable voice or do I know they will listen to the loudest one? Continue reading He, Who Shall Not be Named